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Block a User

Blocking a user is an essential feature, just like reporting itineraries, to ensure a safe and positive experience within the app. You might need to block a user for various reasons, such as if they’re misbehaving, sending unwanted messages, or making you feel like your personal information is at risk.

Block a user

You can block a user by following these steps:

  1. Find the user you want to block. This can often be done by clicking on their profile picture from any of their Itineraries.
  1. On the user’s profile, tap three dots (…).
press the 3 dots buttn to expand menu
  1. Choose “Block User.”
choose the "block user" choice

This action will prevent further communication and interaction with the user.

See blocked users

You can see the users you’ve blocked by following these steps:

  1. Go to your profile page then select “Blocked Users” in the Settings group.
choose the blocked user page in the profile tap
  1. Here you can see all users you have blocked
the blocked user page

Remove blocked user

  1. Unblock the user by clicking on their username.
tap on the user that wil be unblocked
  1. Now, you’ll see that the user has been removed from the Blocked Users list.
the blocked users page is empty
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