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Welcome to TRAWE Let’s Register and Get Traveling!

Create an account

Open our app on your device, and let the adventure begin!

  • Explore our app features by clicking “Next” until the end, then tap on the “Sign In” button.
  • Press the “Continue With Email” button, so it will navigate the “Sign In” page.
Continue with email page in the TRAWE app to sign up.
  1. Just one click on “Sign up now” to begin your epic journey with us.
SignUp button
  1. After entering your email address you need to verify it by pressing the “Send verification code” button.
Input email address to send verification code.
  1. Check your inbox for a verification email and copy the code to paste it in the provided area, then click “verify code”.
input the code to verify

Note: If you want a new code, Simply hit “Send New Code.

  1. Once your email is verified, write your registration details, including: Password, Your name and Surname, then click “Create”.
input user details t create the account

You can change the email any time in this step by clicking “Change e-mail”.

  • Read the End User License Agreement (EULA) then press “Accept” button.
  • For a more personalized experience, allow TRAWE to access your device’s location.


If you already have an account, you just need to sign in.

Congratulations, you’re now a registered user of TRAWE! You can start creating, managing, and exploring your travel itineraries. Delve into our Tutorial to uncover the keys to effortless exploration and itinerary crafting.

Sign In

If you already have an account and want to sign in, you have to enter your email address and a password and click “Sign In”.

sign in

Recover password

If you already have an account, but you forgot your password, you have to:

  1. Tap on “Forgot your password?”
  2. Enter your email address and tap the “Send Verification code” button.
  3. Check your inbox for a verification email and copy the code to paste it in the provided area, then tap on “verify code”.
  4. Enter a new password twice and tap on “Reset password”.
forgot the password
the steps to recover the password


If you want to Logout of your account:

  1. Go to the “Profile” tab.
  2. Tap on the “Logout” button.
  3. Confirm Logout.


Signing out will NOT affect your data within the app. Once you sign back in to your account, all of your data and purchases will reappear.

Delete Account

If you decide to delete your account, you have to:

  1. Go to the “Profile” tab.
  2. .Tap on “Delete Account”.
  3. Confirm Deletion of the Account
delete the account


If you delete your account, you will delete all the data.
You can delete your account only if you are a registered user.
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