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Itinerary Page

The Itinerary page acts as your personal travel guide, crafted to lead you on your journey. You can either create your own itinerary or join others crafted by fellow travelers. It collects insights and recommendations from various travelers, becoming a shared resource for everyone’s benefit.

The first section of the Itinerary page contains essential details:

  1. Swipeable images of the itinerary.
  2. Its title.
  3. The address.
  4. Estimated total duration and budget for the entire itinerary
  5. Number of views and the rating.
  6. If you want to know more about the itinerary’s creator, tap his profile picture to explore his other itineraries.

Itinerary Details

Description Field

This section provides a brief creator’s overview of the itinerary. It might include insights into their travel passions, experiences, or preferences when creating travel plans.

The activities section stands as a vital part of the itinerary, presenting a sequential listing of activities, each accompanied by its duration and mode of transportation. For more detailed information of any activity, simply tap on it.

Activities List

You can visualize the itinerary’s activities through the Map View. This feature showcases the locations of the planned activities, offering a spatial perspective of your journey.

Itinerary Map

In the Instructions section, you’ll discover specific guidance or tips provided by the creator. These instructions might contain personalized advice, additional details, or specific notes aimed at enhancing your experience while following the itinerary.

Instructions Section

Like an itinerary? Acquire it by tapping the “Acquire” button, saving it in your library. After a day, kindly rate and review it. You can learn more about rating and reviewing itineraries in our tutorial.

Acquire the Itinerary

If you find an itinerary unsuitable, report it using the three dots. Learn more about reporting itineraries in our tutorials.

Report the Itinerary

Curious to craft your perfect itinerary? Dive into our tutorial and discover step-by-step guidance how to create an itinerary for an unforgettable journey!

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